
I’m prioritizing my physical and mental health again.

Five years ago, I worked for a company with an onsite gym. There were a lot of things that sucked about working there (manipulate boss, underpaid). But there were also great things I lived about working there too. I had some amazing, supportive friends. And I got to take a long lunch break every day to use the onsite gym. I eventually really got into running on the treadmill there and lost a lot of weight. I went from 430lbs to 245lbs. Shortly after losing the weight, I got an offer from a higher paying job and took it. They didn't have an onsite gym, and my boss had some severe anger issues. I almost immediately felt regret and fear, that I had made a mistake by leaving my old job. I stuck it out though and tried to make the best of it. Needless to say, as I wrestled…

Five years ago, I worked for a company with an onsite gym. There were a lot of things that sucked about working there (manipulate boss, underpaid). But there were also great things I lived about working there too. I had some amazing, supportive friends. And I got to take a long lunch break every day to use the onsite gym. I eventually really got into running on the treadmill there and lost a lot of weight. I went from 430lbs to 245lbs.

Shortly after losing the weight, I got an offer from a higher paying job and took it. They didn't have an onsite gym, and my boss had some severe anger issues. I almost immediately felt regret and fear, that I had made a mistake by leaving my old job. I stuck it out though and tried to make the best of it. Needless to say, as I wrestled with a mountain of stress and anxiety over the years (not all work related), I backslided slowly and now weigh 375 lbs.

My angry boss quit about 2 years ago, and things immediately got better. I have a much, MUCH better boss now who treats me with respect. I started seeing a therapist 2 months ago and he has really helped me with tackling my anxiety and stress issues as well. Last week, I started walking outside for my lunch breaks. And it was amazing. I didn't think about work. I didn't think about all the things I have to do after work when I get home. I just disconnected from the world and breathed for an hour and found some perspective on life.

On Friday, I asked my boss if I could start taking a 1.5 hour lunch every day to go to the gym close by and exercise. I told him that I've tried to go in the mornings, but it's very hard with my kids needing me throughout the night and early morning. I've tried to go after work, but 4/5 times I'm too exhausted from working all day and just want to go home. I told my boss that the 8-9 hours I'm there in the middle of the day are truly when I'm at my best, and that I need 1.5 of those back for me. That I need those hours to invest in myself so that I can be the best version of myself for my family, the company, and mostly importantly, myself.

My boss told me he absolutely agreed, and didn't hesitate to approve my request for even a second. Said he needed to do the same thing himself. I wanted to share this story because I strongly believe every person on this planet needs to invest in their physical and mental well-being above all else. I know I'm very fortunate to have a job where this is an option. For those of you who are stuck in jobs that take too much from you, don't give up. Don't settle for something that is overtaxing and draining you. Keep pushing for change or seek it somewhere else. Always prioritize your well-being. Otherwise, what's the point of any of this? Don't just survive to suffer.

Thanks for reading <3

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