
Is a business that pays a living wage to today’s economy feasible?

So I recently started a clothing brand and this isn't a promo or anything so I'm using a throwaway account. Anyways, I was wondering if it was possible to have like a 4 day work week 8 hour shifts and pay employees wages that they can actually live off of, buy a house, keeps up with inflation each year, etc. I'd also like everything to be made locally in Canada so obviously the price of each product would be higher. I figured if popular brands can charge so much, have everything made for cheap overseas, and still make more than enough to make their CEO's and senior management rich beyond belief, it has to be possible to start a brand that centers around its employees.

So I recently started a clothing brand and this isn't a promo or anything so I'm using a throwaway account. Anyways, I was wondering if it was possible to have like a 4 day work week 8 hour shifts and pay employees wages that they can actually live off of, buy a house, keeps up with inflation each year, etc. I'd also like everything to be made locally in Canada so obviously the price of each product would be higher. I figured if popular brands can charge so much, have everything made for cheap overseas, and still make more than enough to make their CEO's and senior management rich beyond belief, it has to be possible to start a brand that centers around its employees.

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