
I Hate Being Lied to, I Quit.

I work at a shitty arcade sports bar. I sought advancement for seven months.I was promised advancement at least three times by three different managers, including the big boss. Advancement never came. I complained to management about it and that they hired outsiders to fill roles. I wanted to work bar but it never came. Management says we need a replacement for you to move you. Mala Fides kind of statement when I knew that another coworker, that had no experience, got hired into a higher role. Management promises to work with me on pay or some shit. I don’t believe them, their words are hollow. The fact that others were hired in higher roles and they went back on their word, shows that they are not acting on good faith and are lying. Their promises mean nothing, I am quitting tomorrow. I have never quit from a job without…

I work at a shitty arcade sports bar. I sought advancement for seven months.I was promised advancement at least three times by three different managers, including the big boss. Advancement never came. I complained to management about it and that they hired outsiders to fill roles. I wanted to work bar but it never came. Management says we need a replacement for you to move you. Mala Fides kind of statement when I knew that another coworker, that had no experience, got hired into a higher role. Management promises to work with me on pay or some shit. I don’t believe them, their words are hollow. The fact that others were hired in higher roles and they went back on their word, shows that they are not acting on good faith and are lying. Their promises mean nothing, I am quitting tomorrow. I have never quit from a job without notice but I cannot stand perfidy. The pay sucks too.

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