

This may be a long shot, but I’m shooting in hopes it sparks something. I am self-employed, I have limited income but am willing to donate what I can & of course spread the word about funding for those who intend to strike. If you & coworkers are intending to do so, please share your funding information when you are ready & if you haven’t PLEASE begin talking about getting your fund started so it can begin as soon as you’ve made your move. I think I speak for the majority of this sub when I say we want to keep you housed, fed, & your lights on. We want this to succeed & it won’t if we don’t get real about what it is we need in order to be successful. These people will not stop here, they have made it absolutely crystal clear they want to go back…

This may be a long shot, but I’m shooting in hopes it sparks something.

I am self-employed, I have limited income but am willing to donate what I can & of course spread the word about funding for those who intend to strike.

If you & coworkers are intending to do so, please share your funding information when you are ready & if you haven’t PLEASE begin talking about getting your fund started so it can begin as soon as you’ve made your move. I think I speak for the majority of this sub when I say we want to keep you housed, fed, & your lights on. We want this to succeed & it won’t if we don’t get real about what it is we need in order to be successful.

These people will not stop here, they have made it absolutely crystal clear they want to go back to the days of segregation. THIS is the time, y’all, & if you can’t strike that is okay. We can support those who can with money, limit our consumption, & boycott companies that have lined the pockets of those in power.

Please, even just radicalize your group chats. We need solidarity more than ever & the excuses we can keep making as to why we can or have to sit back & do nothing will be the ropes around our necks. We will never get the things we desire if we continue down the path of least resistance. I can’t afford to leave the country right now, I’m sure many of you are in the same boat, & I’m fearful of what is to come.

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