
okay, but what are you doing for self care? :)

Every time a manager or HR rep asks me this I go a little more feral. First of all, who the fuck are you to think you're entitled to the details of my personal life? Second, fuck you. You're my employer, if you are over working me and treating me like trash, it should be YOUR responsibility to fix me. You don't get to walk all over me and then have the nerve to ask me how I'm gonna cope… go fuck yourselves. Pay for me to see paris, put me up on a beach for a couple weeks, get me a massage every so often damn

Every time a manager or HR rep asks me this I go a little more feral. First of all, who the fuck are you to think you're entitled to the details of my personal life? Second, fuck you. You're my employer, if you are over working me and treating me like trash, it should be YOUR responsibility to fix me. You don't get to walk all over me and then have the nerve to ask me how I'm gonna cope… go fuck yourselves. Pay for me to see paris, put me up on a beach for a couple weeks, get me a massage every so often damn

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