
That time at Panera where I was fired and rehired without knowing?

This was over 10 years ago when I had my first job at Panera where they overwork teens and pay minimum wage. I was making $7.25/hr and overworked like hell. But anyways, I went to the beach with my family on my days off and on our way back my car flooded and I let them know I couldn’t come in. This was the first time I had EVER called out. When I came back the next day I went to check the schedule and saw I wasn’t scheduled for a month so I figured they just wanted to get rid of me. I looked for another job and started working.. no one ever called me to fire me or anything but I never heard back from them until 2 months later. They were blowing up my phone to see if I could come work.. I was like ‘uhm no??…

This was over 10 years ago when I had my first job at Panera where they overwork teens and pay minimum wage. I was making $7.25/hr and overworked like hell. But anyways, I went to the beach with my family on my days off and on our way back my car flooded and I let them know I couldn’t come in. This was the first time I had EVER called out. When I came back the next day I went to check the schedule and saw I wasn’t scheduled for a month so I figured they just wanted to get rid of me. I looked for another job and started working.. no one ever called me to fire me or anything but I never heard back from them until 2 months later. They were blowing up my phone to see if I could come work.. I was like ‘uhm no?? I thought I was fired’ and they just said ‘no, other people just needed more hours but a lot have quit and we need you, can you come in the next 2 hours?’ I was really confused. I was like ‘no I’m at my other job and can’t make it, take me off the schedule because I won’t come back.’ And they never called me again. I’m confused whether or not I was fired or I quit? Lol. I am still confused lol

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