
Question for retail workers: how much break time do you have?

So the question appeared few days ago when I was talking to my friend who works in retail (just like me, but different stores), and has a 30min break, while I have ony 15min. And we both work 8 hours (sometimes more, but we have to have at least 8 hours) each shift. At my work it's kind of difficult to fit into the 15 minute mark since I have to clock out, walk at least a minut to the cafeteria, stand in line another minute or two. The same goes for going back. So in the end we only have like 10 minutes to eat, rest etc. And if we want longer breaks we have to stay after work. I think it's really crazy. We have to deal with rude customers, work our asses of, most of the time standing up, no sitting allowed if your legs really hurt…

So the question appeared few days ago when I was talking to my friend who works in retail (just like me, but different stores), and has a 30min break, while I have ony 15min. And we both work 8 hours (sometimes more, but we have to have at least 8 hours) each shift.

At my work it's kind of difficult to fit into the 15 minute mark since I have to clock out, walk at least a minut to the cafeteria, stand in line another minute or two. The same goes for going back. So in the end we only have like 10 minutes to eat, rest etc. And if we want longer breaks we have to stay after work.

I think it's really crazy. We have to deal with rude customers, work our asses of, most of the time standing up, no sitting allowed if your legs really hurt from all the waliking etc.

So I was just wondering how much time for their breaks have other people in retail. It's also my first job in retail, so I don't even know if 15 minutes is a normal amount of time.

Also, I'm not from USA, but actually Poland, English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!

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