
People need to realize that at this point in history, protests will change nothing in the US

It does not matter how hard or long you protest. This will accomplish nothing. The politicians will just sit in their offices or on their golf courses and wait for protestors to tire themselves out. They know that Americans as a whole will go right back to work on Monday and easily get distracted by the next big event. Pretty soon, we will be talking about the next big supreme court leak and shift attention from Roe. They know people will eventually get tired , hungry and quit protesting, especially when their militarized police are out there hunting for reasons to shoot tear gas and throw flashbangs. This is why the majority of people voted for a party who promised things, those politicians were elected and NOTHING CHANGED. it got worse. The democrats control the house, Senate and presidency yet they have done NOTHING to help workers or middle class…

It does not matter how hard or long you protest. This will accomplish nothing. The politicians will just sit in their offices or on their golf courses and wait for protestors to tire themselves out. They know that Americans as a whole will go right back to work on Monday and easily get distracted by the next big event. Pretty soon, we will be talking about the next big supreme court leak and shift attention from Roe. They know people will eventually get tired , hungry and quit protesting, especially when their militarized police are out there hunting for reasons to shoot tear gas and throw flashbangs.

This is why the majority of people voted for a party who promised things, those politicians were elected and NOTHING CHANGED. it got worse. The democrats control the house, Senate and presidency yet they have done NOTHING to help workers or middle class people. Sure, Elizabeth Warren will cry on tv. But that's to keep her job. Her and her peers haven't done jack shit for you.

The reason is because both parties are bought and sold by corporate interests. That's why NO amount of protesting will ever change anything here. I am not saying I condone violence. If people are serious about forcing change, the only way is to boycott unfair practices and hit them in the pockets.

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