
Tomorrow I’ll be placing my resignation letter

I (26m) have been working for 2 years in an international agricultural company, on 2020 two hurricanes hit and we lost millions. I was in charge of the insurance claim and got the claim from $18 million to almost $30. What did I get in return? Absolutely nothing. No raise, no promotion, nothing. We even got corporate to come make a benchmark of the process I created for the insurance claim. I felt insulted, there was a chance for a promotion but instead they hired another person for more than twice my salary, another slap in the face. I applied online on a bigger multinational company and landed the job and even got interviewed by a corporate manager. They saw my experience and said that they would need me for bigger projects shortly in the future. Not only they matched the benefits I receive, but will cover formula for my…

I (26m) have been working for 2 years in an international agricultural company, on 2020 two hurricanes hit and we lost millions. I was in charge of the insurance claim and got the claim from $18 million to almost $30. What did I get in return? Absolutely nothing. No raise, no promotion, nothing. We even got corporate to come make a benchmark of the process I created for the insurance claim. I felt insulted, there was a chance for a promotion but instead they hired another person for more than twice my salary, another slap in the face. I applied online on a bigger multinational company and landed the job and even got interviewed by a corporate manager. They saw my experience and said that they would need me for bigger projects shortly in the future. Not only they matched the benefits I receive, but will cover formula for my newborn on the first year, doubled my salary and have yearly bonus based on productivity. The company assigned a couple of important projects that will benefit my boss only so screw him and the company. I will place my 4 weeks notice tomorrow, will do absolutely nothing for the next two weeks, and will use my vacation time for the last two weeks.
Tl;dr made millions to a company and got nothing in return so I will leave for a better paying job, bye

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