
I have an education and a job sort of human rights but gosh I want to live in Victorian era so bad

It may mean I’ll die in misery in age of 12, probably being overworked at factory. However I am thinking of being born into wealth, taking music or art classes, bringing children (and I am childfree — I hate working so much), admiring beauty and having just a fucking breath is not so bad even if it means to give up on a lot of things; it also means to give up on responsibility and not being overwhelmed with choices — I hate working so much, yes. I don’t understand ambition and I don’t understand career. I just want everyone to fuck off and give me a room to make or enjoy an aesthetic things. That it, that was a rant. I quite understand that I may not reading the room, so here is a message — I deeply sad about Roe v Wade decision, those sc fuckers can’t understand…

It may mean I’ll die in misery in age of 12, probably being overworked at factory. However I am thinking of being born into wealth, taking music or art classes, bringing children (and I am childfree — I hate working so much), admiring beauty and having just a fucking breath is not so bad even if it means to give up on a lot of things; it also means to give up on responsibility and not being overwhelmed with choices — I hate working so much, yes. I don’t understand ambition and I don’t understand career. I just want everyone to fuck off and give me a room to make or enjoy an aesthetic things.

That it, that was a rant. I quite understand that I may not reading the room, so here is a message — I deeply sad about Roe v Wade decision, those sc fuckers can’t understand that abortions always has been, are happening and will be happening regardless of their entitled decision. The only thing that more women will die or suffer in shade if it. Thanks

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