
The world of work has left me uninspired, anxious and depressed and I’m only 21

As the title says, I’m only 21 and I’ve actually only ever had 2 jobs, and yet the world of work has seriously made me feel so fucking shit. I have little hope for the future, I don’t see how I can make money and live a happy life while working. Every post I see here confirms that most jobs are miserable hellholes, and although I’ve only ever had 2 jobs (please don’t moan at me for being inexperienced and not knowing the full world of work) they have been pretty bad; the first job I had was at a pub where they gave us our tips. Once. A. Year. Yes you heard that right, they stole our tips from us, once I got £60 from a whole year of tips and i know full well I deserved more tips than that. I can’t talk about my second job because…

As the title says, I’m only 21 and I’ve actually only ever had 2 jobs, and yet the world of work has seriously made me feel so fucking shit. I have little hope for the future, I don’t see how I can make money and live a happy life while working. Every post I see here confirms that most jobs are miserable hellholes, and although I’ve only ever had 2 jobs (please don’t moan at me for being inexperienced and not knowing the full world of work) they have been pretty bad; the first job I had was at a pub where they gave us our tips. Once. A. Year. Yes you heard that right, they stole our tips from us, once I got £60 from a whole year of tips and i know full well I deserved more tips than that. I can’t talk about my second job because I’m still there and in the contract they stated something like I can’t post on social media about the job and the company as it goes against company policies and i’m worried I may get fired. So my final thoughts are extreme anxiety about my future and thoughts of ending my life because really if this is what life is…. i don’t want it. Being treated like a work horse just to get paid in pennies while CEO’s and the “higher ups” get paid shit loads for doing fuck all compared to what some other people working do, the world has become Hell.

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