
How does interviewing work while you have a job I want to schedule interviews after work?

I have to go in to my 8am-4:30pm job. I leave the house at 7:15am and back by 5pm cause of traffic I have to go in everyday. Can you schedule interviews during 6:30am or a 5pm+? Can I schedule them for Saturdays/Sundays? I do have lunch time at work but that'll likely only get me over the hump of a phone interview?

I have to go in to my 8am-4:30pm job. I leave the house at 7:15am and back by 5pm cause of traffic I have to go in everyday. Can you schedule interviews during 6:30am or a 5pm+? Can I schedule them for Saturdays/Sundays? I do have lunch time at work but that'll likely only get me over the hump of a phone interview?

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