
I know more crucial things are happening in the world rn but I need advice

My work (internship) is straight up giving me anxiety. I can't believe after two master degrees and 1+ years of experience I had to take another internship, but I did since the labor market is broken. I thought the content at least would be interesting but I've been doing menial tasks, stuff I'm not good at, that certainly don't require my diplomas, and that are killing me inside day by day. I feel like I'm doing an internship aimed at a 18 years old with no experience. I live in a very expensive city and the monthly stipend is 600€. I can't live like that. My boss doesn't like me, treats me like an idiot, never invited me to lunch although she does for the other colleagues. Everyday she'll come to me telling me I've forgotten something, done something wrong or not done enough. I still work 35h/ week though…

My work (internship) is straight up giving me anxiety. I can't believe after two master degrees and 1+ years of experience I had to take another internship, but I did since the labor market is broken.
I thought the content at least would be interesting but I've been doing menial tasks, stuff I'm not good at, that certainly don't require my diplomas, and that are killing me inside day by day. I feel like I'm doing an internship aimed at a 18 years old with no experience.
I live in a very expensive city and the monthly stipend is 600€. I can't live like that.
My boss doesn't like me, treats me like an idiot, never invited me to lunch although she does for the other colleagues. Everyday she'll come to me telling me I've forgotten something, done something wrong or not done enough. I still work 35h/ week though and do my best.

I've had stomach ache every week for a month and literally had nightmares about my boss telling me I'm incompetent. I feel like I deserve a real job that I kinda like, but this internship and the feedback from my boss make me feel stupid and inadequate.

How do I deal with this? I've been trying to search for other jobs but no luck yet.

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