
My job just started tracking our location, reduced time before appearing ‘away’ in chat and is constantly asking LoE, status updates and then I found out there were some Layoffs.

I know its pretty obvious that big companies are tracking us , but mine just kicked it up a notch.. Recently I started seeing the 'Dot' on the Windows Taskbar indicating 'Your location is currently in use' (I am working remote) and this is the first time I've seen it active after years of working here. When trying to go to 'Location Settings' Its all greyed out because “Some settings are managed by your organization” It is a company laptop, so I get it. But also kinda creeps me out too. (Microphone, Camera, other Apps ) all managed by them. If I had to guess, they are going to be listening and watching too. The other thing I noticed is on our Teams chat everyone is appearing 'Away' much more often. Myself included. I am convinced they reduced the threshold of time of inactivity before it shows you as being…

I know its pretty obvious that big companies are tracking us , but mine just kicked it up a notch..

Recently I started seeing the 'Dot' on the Windows Taskbar indicating 'Your location is currently in use' (I am working remote) and this is the first time I've seen it active after years of working here. When trying to go to 'Location Settings' Its all greyed out because “Some settings are managed by your organization” It is a company laptop, so I get it. But also kinda creeps me out too. (Microphone, Camera, other Apps ) all managed by them. If I had to guess, they are going to be listening and watching too.

The other thing I noticed is on our Teams chat everyone is appearing 'Away' much more often. Myself included. I am convinced they reduced the threshold of time of inactivity before it shows you as being 'Away' (yellow icon) I think it was like 10 or 15 minutes before appearing away. Now it is 5 Minutes.

What is pretty frustrating is this Away icon will sometimes pop as you being 'Away' while you are literally still working. I can be balls deep in spreadsheets and tabs and work, but Teams will still show 'Away' until I click on a friggin chat I dont need to read.

I did recently take a new role, but what is concerning me is Supervisors are asking constantly what is the LoE (level of effort) for every single task, even though I am brand new to it. “Make an estimate” they said. But when all the work isnt done yet they are asking why, what are the roadblocks.

I know that we sign away our privacy and “there is no expectation of privacy” at work but I just want to let you know that companies are tracking us, distrusting the Remote workforce and doubling down on micro managing us.

Not to mention, I have like an 8 to 1 ratio of managers and supervisors to workers. So the micromanaging is getting kinda crazy. I am told contradictory things regularly about what priorities are and how to handle stuff. I get in a call with an Executive VP, a VP, Sr Mgrs , Sr Suprvsr and they are all still arguing with eachother on what the actual requirements are.

To make things worse, one of my Supers that I liked was the one who told me “Not to stress” and to “Not loose sleep” over this work. He is the one getting Laid Off right now. Yikes..

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