
Sick of my abusive manager

I don’t know why, but my manager treats me like shit compared to everyone else. Long story short he is very mentally abusive, and has made me cry multiple times. I work in retail, and I’m not really na associate that matters to the company, I’m not full time and I make a dollar above minimum. Well recently I was sick on Thursday and Friday. I was able to get someone to cover my Thursday shift. He didn’t even reply to my texts saying I was sick and instead emailed me that he would like to have a meeting, so now I felt guilty about being sick. This morning I see he used 2 of my vacation days even though I got one shift covered. He doesn’t do that to anyone else. He previously used a vacation day for a doctors appointment where I also had my shift covered. I’m…

I don’t know why, but my manager treats me like shit compared to everyone else. Long story short he is very mentally abusive, and has made me cry multiple times.

I work in retail, and I’m not really na associate that matters to the company, I’m not full time and I make a dollar above minimum. Well recently I was sick on Thursday and Friday. I was able to get someone to cover my Thursday shift. He didn’t even reply to my texts saying I was sick and instead emailed me that he would like to have a meeting, so now I felt guilty about being sick. This morning I see he used 2 of my vacation days even though I got one shift covered. He doesn’t do that to anyone else. He previously used a vacation day for a doctors appointment where I also had my shift covered. I’m going on actual vacation in November and now I don’t have enough days left. I constantly feel like I’m being shit on even though I work hard and his favorite employees slack off.

The easy solution is quit but I literally can’t find another job for the life of me and I don’t know why. This place genuinely makes me suicidal. I know the amount of relief I’ll feel when I finally walk out and block my manager. What should I do? I try not to think about it when I’m at home but then I’ll wake up and see that he used my vacation days and start crying. Or I’ll get random emails to have a meeting because I was sick. I feel worthless and depressed. I have to go to work tonight but I can’t stop crying.

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