
If my employer is asking us to do more then what our job description asks for and threatens to fire us if we don’t “ step up”. Can they be held accountable?

To give some insight. I work for a housing company as a front desk person. So does 5 other ppl. In our job description when I applied and got hired, it says the requirements for just front desk. Says nothing about being an on call maintenance person or to physically help with maintenance issues when official maintenance person isn’t there. This company only has 1 on call maintenance man and he lives 2 hours away which is ridiculous for an on call person. (Side note he said to me one time that he makes the most money outta everyone and he can tell anyone what to do. I rolled my eyes because wtf he isn’t our boss who we report to. ) Boss and 1 front desk person ( who live in the building mind you) tell us that we have to go help during there “ maintenance request that…

To give some insight. I work for a housing company as a front desk person. So does 5 other ppl. In our job description when I applied and got hired, it says the requirements for just front desk. Says nothing about being an on call maintenance person or to physically help with maintenance issues when official maintenance person isn’t there. This company only has 1 on call maintenance man and he lives 2 hours away which is ridiculous for an on call person. (Side note he said to me one time that he makes the most money outta everyone and he can tell anyone what to do. I rolled my eyes because wtf he isn’t our boss who we report to. ) Boss and 1 front desk person ( who live in the building mind you) tell us that we have to go help during there “ maintenance request that might not need maintenance man to come all the way out) so non emergency calls. Like plunging clogged toilets etc. they get mad when we are sitting there which is literally our jobs to be AT front desk.
I’ll list what the job description says below:

Essential Job Functions:
Demonstrate an ably to Support and contioute to the team
Greet residents/tenants as they enter the building or office
Answer the office phone and provide exceptional customer service verbally
sitans as the arise;
situations during shift
Guest sign-in – Make sure to follow the building policy and procedures
Package distribution to residents/tenants – Make sure to follow the building policy and procedures
Core Values
In order to achieve success, the team must embrace certain core principles and values
Tenacity & Enthusiasm
Safety Responsibilities:
Learn and ensure compliance with al companv. lOcal. state and federal satetv rules
ensures that unsate conditions are corrected in a timey manne
Additional Requirements.
Imperative job function
Employees must fulfil the performance standards of this position and comply with policies, rules and
procedures of the company, including those set out in the Employee Handbook or otherwise
communicated (verbally or writing) to employees

This was copy and paste from my documents btw.

So my problem is that they are holding a meeting soon to tell us they are guna add more “ concierge requirements “ to our job title. I google the difference . And there is a difference between the two. I heard from someone that they are guna tell us to do more and if we don’t like it we can leave.

So my question is is there worker rights that go against intimidation? Do we have the right to ask for a higher wage, and if so does anyone know what would be a good starting wage to ask for if they come with this extra bs ?

I can’t just sit there and take this bs anymore. I’m tired of being a push over and just letting ppl who get paid more than me tell me to do more while they are at there desk typing at there computer. I get that being a front desk person isn’t a crazy job, it’s just the fact that I know ppl above me are taking advantage and I don’t want that.

So I just want to go into this meeting prepared. Any advice on what to do or say will be helpful. I appreciate your time. Tysm.

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