
My last job didn’t do our taxes right and I am not sure what to do next.

My last job was corrupt as all hell. But among the mountain of horrible things they did is the fact that about 20 of us realized they weren't deducting our taxes at all. We are NOT contractors and none of us had exemptions that large. This went on for months and I have stubs proving they weren't doing it. I have the paperwork ready to file for tax fraud and to collect a reward. I'm certain this isn't the only sketchy thing they pulled with the IRS. But my question is do I have a leg to stand on or is this gonna go nowhere?

My last job was corrupt as all hell. But among the mountain of horrible things they did is the fact that about 20 of us realized they weren't deducting our taxes at all. We are NOT contractors and none of us had exemptions that large. This went on for months and I have stubs proving they weren't doing it. I have the paperwork ready to file for tax fraud and to collect a reward. I'm certain this isn't the only sketchy thing they pulled with the IRS. But my question is do I have a leg to stand on or is this gonna go nowhere?

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