
You will not be getting a raise. You will not be getting better benefits. You will not be getting better quality of work.

You will be getting replaced. Not in 18 years when this hits full swing, but by the immediate people who are affected. You will be replaced by fathers with child support. By mothers who are desperate to provide for their children. And eventually, by children who are hungry. Every organized strike will be taken down by scabs willing to take less pay for the same job. Corporate America wins by creating desperate situations. You don't want to work for $7-10 an hour? That's fine, the person behind you will. Wages and working conditions aren't going to get better. They are going to gradually get worse until they can literally take everything and give the bare minimum.

You will be getting replaced.

Not in 18 years when this hits full swing, but by the immediate people who are affected.

You will be replaced by fathers with child support. By mothers who are desperate to provide for their children. And eventually, by children who are hungry.

Every organized strike will be taken down by scabs willing to take less pay for the same job.

Corporate America wins by creating desperate situations. You don't want to work for $7-10 an hour? That's fine, the person behind you will.

Wages and working conditions aren't going to get better. They are going to gradually get worse until they can literally take everything and give the bare minimum.

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