
Women’s Rights are Workers Rights

Plainly put, overturning Roe has nothing to do with morality, state’s rights, or whatever other justification used by the powers that be. It is an ill-conceived stopgap attempting to fix the issues caused by this country’s fucked up population curve. Current generations are not producing enough children to sustain the work force and keep the government funded. A reasonable and well thought out solution would be to bolster the healthcare system, wages, benefits, and protections afforded to current birthing generations in order to make them confident enough in their financial situation to be comfortable choosing to have children, but that solution would be expensive to corporations. Making abortion only legal in certain parts of the country maintains the status quo for people of means and forces the burden of maintaining the working population on the poor. Poor people will not have the means to travel for an abortion and will…

Plainly put, overturning Roe has nothing to do with morality, state’s rights, or whatever other justification used by the powers that be. It is an ill-conceived stopgap attempting to fix the issues caused by this country’s fucked up population curve. Current generations are not producing enough children to sustain the work force and keep the government funded.

A reasonable and well thought out solution would be to bolster the healthcare system, wages, benefits, and protections afforded to current birthing generations in order to make them confident enough in their financial situation to be comfortable choosing to have children, but that solution would be expensive to corporations.

Making abortion only legal in certain parts of the country maintains the status quo for people of means and forces the burden of maintaining the working population on the poor. Poor people will not have the means to travel for an abortion and will be forced to bring more children into the world, driving them further into poverty, and those children will in turn likely be stuck in the same cycle where they will continue filling wage slave positions that are necessary to keep corporations living fat and happy.

The costs to maintain the welfare programs that barely keep these people afloat are nothing compared to what it would cost corporations to give the current birthing generations widespread confidence to have have more children. Why boost worker benefits and wages when you can buy new generations of wage slave cattle to send to slaughter in the corporate machine under the guise of morality.

This is class warfare, plain and simple.

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