
I missed the info about the Monday general strike and I frequent Reddit and this sub. How do we organize? I want a fucking nationwide general strike. How do we actually do it?

We are powerful in numbers. We know this. We all want change and we can demand it. We are what makes this country run and we can fucking shit it down. We just have to get organized. I can’t believe I’m just now seeing all the threads about Monday. If I miss it, as a direct target audience, how do we get this thing across the nation? How do we do this? Pick a date next month? Pitch to journalists? Get a senator on our side to promote it? Start with the unions? What do we do?

We are powerful in numbers. We know this. We all want change and we can demand it. We are what makes this country run and we can fucking shit it down. We just have to get organized. I can’t believe I’m just now seeing all the threads about Monday. If I miss it, as a direct target audience, how do we get this thing across the nation?

How do we do this? Pick a date next month? Pitch to journalists? Get a senator on our side to promote it? Start with the unions? What do we do?

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