
Fighting the urge to walk out everyday

I’ve been working on this yard for nearly 3 years now. Hired as a yard technician changing batteries on cars, it was actually the best job I’d ever had and I was on decent pay for that time! Life was so good, I couldn’t believe I’d finally found a job that didn’t make me depressed. 1 year later, the contract ran out for the the cars I was working on. I was moved onto the main site. Since then I’ve been moved from job to job, Maintenence checks, booking cars in, refuelling cars. Now it’s been nearly 3 years, I’ve committed to the company and shown willingness to do every job asked of me. I know more jobs than the yard supervisor (who is paid more than me). I often have the supervisor turning to me for advice while he sticks to his one easy as fuck job driving cars…

I’ve been working on this yard for nearly 3 years now. Hired as a yard technician changing batteries on cars, it was actually the best job I’d ever had and I was on decent pay for that time! Life was so good, I couldn’t believe I’d finally found a job that didn’t make me depressed.

1 year later, the contract ran out for the the cars I was working on. I was moved onto the main site. Since then I’ve been moved from job to job, Maintenence checks, booking cars in, refuelling cars.

Now it’s been nearly 3 years, I’ve committed to the company and shown willingness to do every job asked of me. I know more jobs than the yard supervisor (who is paid more than me). I often have the supervisor turning to me for advice while he sticks to his one easy as fuck job driving cars about all day.

Now they have a new contract with a really fussy company, the check sheets are TEDIOUS as fuck. The organisation is fucking ridiculous, we have no time to get these cars done and problems amended by the time the customer gets here. I’m under constant pressure and completely ignored when I suggest solution after solution to the multiple problems we’re having.

Of course I was chosen to do this job, because everyone else will play dumb and not do it properly and the yard supervisor worms his was out of it everytime.

On top of this, they’re still expecting me to do all the old jobs I was doing aswel! Fuck this place, I’m trying to handle it correctly and hand in my notice and leave in a months time. But I really just wanna walk in the office and tell them all to suck a dick. And let the place crumble when I’m not here to do every job on the yard.

I haven’t even mentioned how dysfunctional the chain of command here is. But that’s another story. What y’all thinking? Stick it to the man or put up with this shit for another month? I don’t even know if I can do another month without calling out their bullshit tbh

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