
Team lead randomly fired in the middle of a (seemingly) normal day (vent)

I work at a nonprofit that provides classes for young people and we are preparing for summer programing. Our team had two leaders, one “veteran” with the organization and one new person who was a recent hire. We worked together all morning moving supplies from one location to another, with our veteran lead directing us on how to organize everything. After a lunch break we went to a meeting with other teams and managers (including the CEO). Before the meeting I went to the bathroom and saw the veteran lead standing in the hallway, I asked her if she was waiting for the bathroom and she just said “I just got fired”. I said WTF and asked what happened, all she really said was “The CEO is a controlling dick, and I guess I had too much to say”. I returned to the meeting room shortly after and the CEO…

I work at a nonprofit that provides classes for young people and we are preparing for summer programing. Our team had two leaders, one “veteran” with the organization and one new person who was a recent hire. We worked together all morning moving supplies from one location to another, with our veteran lead directing us on how to organize everything. After a lunch break we went to a meeting with other teams and managers (including the CEO). Before the meeting I went to the bathroom and saw the veteran lead standing in the hallway, I asked her if she was waiting for the bathroom and she just said “I just got fired”.

I said WTF and asked what happened, all she really said was “The CEO is a controlling dick, and I guess I had too much to say”.

I returned to the meeting room shortly after and the CEO broke the news that Veteran Team Lead “was no longer with the organization”. He asked if we had any questions or thoughts. I guess I looked upset because he called on me and asked for my thoughts and I said “Honestly its scary that someone can come into work thinking they are leading a program for the summer only to become unemployed after lunch.” There was silence and I said “I don't about anyone else but that makes me very nervous”. The CEO said something after that but I couldn't really hear, then he asked other people for their thoughts and they just said that they were surprised but that we would persevere and still have a good summer etc etc

Later on we were working in small groups with our peers and we were discussing what happened, I told them what Veteran Team Lead said and how it made me feel like if we speak up about things we could get fired. I said it made me extra nervous because I just filed an incident report against the CEO earlier this year (I didn't give details but he made sexual jokes in front of my minor students) and it made me feel like I could be next on the chopping block. My coworker who has been at the organization for a while just said “Yeah he's like that, you have to really pick your battles here. There used to be more leadership besides the CEO but they all got fired or quit so you have to stay on his good side”.

What the actual f***??? Why is this normal?? Why does no one care?? I feel so powerless. I shifted careers into the nonprofit sector a couple years ago and it sucks that even in an industry that is all about helping people and making a difference it is still controlled by rich power hungry a**h*** that are constantly on a power trip. I also feel so alone and even embarrassed for saying something in the meeting, it feels like no one cares and I will probably get fired soon too. There is no solidarity whatsoever and its just depressing.

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