
2-week notice on a 90-day notice job

I had a job that normally requires a 90-day notice to leave, WHEN you have a signed contract. Welp, after I started, the company reneged on quite a few items that you’d normally expect: gave me no sick days, no vacation days, no overtime pay, no extra pay for working holidays like Christmas, the 4th etc…. When I complained, the manager and HR said the contract I signed was not signed my them (they were correct) and therefore was unenforceable. My Bad. I had already emailed my 2-week notice to my manager and as usual he ignored my work emails. So I told HR verbally that my last day was in 6 days because I had no contract and all I owed them was a 2-week notice. The CEO (small company) came back with the “oh yes you have to give us a 90-day notice per contract.“ I reminded her…

I had a job that normally requires a 90-day notice to leave, WHEN you have a signed contract. Welp, after I started, the company reneged on quite a few items that you’d normally expect: gave me no sick days, no vacation days, no overtime pay, no extra pay for working holidays like Christmas, the 4th etc…. When I complained, the manager and HR said the contract I signed was not signed my them (they were correct) and therefore was unenforceable. My Bad.

I had already emailed my 2-week notice to my manager and as usual he ignored my work emails. So I told HR verbally that my last day was in 6 days because I had no contract and all I owed them was a 2-week notice.

The CEO (small company) came back with the “oh yes you have to give us a 90-day notice per contract.“ I reminded her that the HR manager notified me in an email that I was a regular employee and had no contract. Then the CEO got pissy and told me if I wanted a nice reference, I had better work my 90-days. I told her I already had a job and didn’t need their references…

Then my brand new director tried to talk to me about it, and he told me to pull out my contract and we could look it over. I told him that I had no contract per HR. He says THATS IMPOSSIBLE! Well buddy, I am here to tell you that it’s possible. 6 days later I was gone.

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