
I just quit my job and couldn’t be more happy!

So today I was sat down by my supervisor and was essentially told I was stealing time and that I am useless. I’ve been coming in early for the past week since we are very short staffed(I was also a part of the management team). We were down two supervisor all of last week so I came in early to give extra help. I assumed I was just doing them a favor, however they didn’t take it that way. Anyway, an hour passes after the sit down and I’m still visibly upset about the situation. My supervisor asked if I was okay and I told him no and asked him why I would be after he told me I’m useless. He told me to clock out and go home. Instead of doing that, I said “fuck you! I’m done” and tossed my id badge to him and walked out. Enough…

So today I was sat down by my supervisor and was essentially told I was stealing time and that I am useless. I’ve been coming in early for the past week since we are very short staffed(I was also a part of the management team). We were down two supervisor all of last week so I came in early to give extra help. I assumed I was just doing them a favor, however they didn’t take it that way. Anyway, an hour passes after the sit down and I’m still visibly upset about the situation. My supervisor asked if I was okay and I told him no and asked him why I would be after he told me I’m useless. He told me to clock out and go home. Instead of doing that, I said “fuck you! I’m done” and tossed my id badge to him and walked out. Enough was enough. I busted my ass in there for two years just to be treated like garbage. The adrenaline rush was insane and I don’t think I could have made a better exit

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