
Today’s Supreme Court (sic) ruling is the first step in demolishing the administrative state, workers rights and safety are next.

Today the Supreme Court (sic) basically said that government can't delegate regulation to any agency, it can only pass laws. That means the EPA can't regulate carbon emissions, or pollution, unless each and every chemical is put into a law, and that law also has to have all the details (what kind of muffler, what kind of scrubber, etc). Next up will be food regulation, drug regulation, and work place safety and labor regulation. It is vital you start forming your union now, while its still possible, its vital you start protecting yourself with a contract now before OSHA can no longer make it illegal for workers to be placed in danger. We are heading back to the Lochner era folks (google it), this court is extreme beyond imagination and if we don't do something we will all end up little better than serfs, or even slaves. Today I urge…

Today the Supreme Court (sic) basically said that government can't delegate regulation to any agency, it can only pass laws. That means the EPA can't regulate carbon emissions, or pollution, unless each and every chemical is put into a law, and that law also has to have all the details (what kind of muffler, what kind of scrubber, etc). Next up will be food regulation, drug regulation, and work place safety and labor regulation.

It is vital you start forming your union now, while its still possible, its vital you start protecting yourself with a contract now before OSHA can no longer make it illegal for workers to be placed in danger.

We are heading back to the Lochner era folks (google it), this court is extreme beyond imagination and if we don't do something we will all end up little better than serfs, or even slaves.

Today I urge you to do the easy things first, call your senators and reps and tell them you want them to figure out how to fix the supreme court (sic), be if court packing, term limits, enacting an ethics code, and then impeaching justices for violating it, whatever. Tell them to get rid of the fucking filibuster, fire the senate parliamentarian and act in the interest of the people or else you will vote them out of office.

After that do the hard things, start organizing. Form that union, join that mutual aid group, join the DSA, get a community together and act!

Shit is serious, and getting worse by the day.

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