
A 40 hour work week was literally designed for men to work and support an entire family.

How did we go from the norm being one man working 40 hours a week even blue collar and being able to support a spouse, purchase a home, have two children and send them to college to the government telling us that it is our fault if we work full time and can’t even rent a studio apartment for OURSELVES? By 1960’s logic, two people should be able to work part time at 20 hours and be able to purchase a home and have a family. Imagine how much easier it would be to have kids if both parents only had to work 20 hours a week and not need daycare. Having 20+ more hours a week than we do now to enjoy the people in our lives, to enjoy hobbies. Imagine being able to enjoy these things in a nice home in a safe suburban neighborhood on 20 freaking…

How did we go from the norm being one man working 40 hours a week even blue collar and being able to support a spouse, purchase a home, have two children and send them to college to the government telling us that it is our fault if we work full time and can’t even rent a studio apartment for OURSELVES?

By 1960’s logic, two people should be able to work part time at 20 hours and be able to purchase a home and have a family. Imagine how much easier it would be to have kids if both parents only had to work 20 hours a week and not need daycare. Having 20+ more hours a week than we do now to enjoy the people in our lives, to enjoy hobbies. Imagine being able to enjoy these things in a nice home in a safe suburban neighborhood on 20 freaking hours a week.

And if 40 hour work weeks were meant to support whole families, than imagine if you didn’t even want children. You’d be rolling in money! I’d have an enormous home and travel non stop.

I’m 25 and just disgusted with what society has become. How can a political party simultaneously want to go back to the “good old days” but shame people who don’t want to work over 50 hours a week to live with roommates at the age of 30? That’s not what the 60’s were like at all.

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