
A big part of workplace misery is the restroom situation

I reported to the maintenance man that the ladies’ room had some kind of leak and there was water all over the floor. He investigated and told me the gaskets under the toilet had disintegrated and had to be replaced. He fixed it. But then he ran around and told everyone in the whole building that I broke the toilet by pooping too much, that he was on his hands and knees cleaning up the mess, that ladies poop too much, ha ha ha. Stupid and immature. Now I am too embarrassed to be seen going into the restroom. I am holding it for 12 hours. What’s your horror story?

I reported to the maintenance man that the ladies’ room had some kind of leak and there was water all over the floor. He investigated and told me the gaskets under the toilet had disintegrated and had to be replaced. He fixed it.

But then he ran around and told everyone in the whole building that I broke the toilet by pooping too much, that he was on his hands and knees cleaning up the mess, that ladies poop too much, ha ha ha. Stupid and immature.

Now I am too embarrassed to be seen going into the restroom. I am holding it for 12 hours.

What’s your horror story?

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