
A cage is still a cage

I kept thinking today how ridiculous this whole system is. You are born to work your whole life until you are old and develop chronic diseases and can’t really enjoy life anymore. And somehow we all accepted this. I work 40 hrs a week and I still can’t start saving money cause everything is so effing expensive. My rent, my car, insurances, phone, internet, gym membership, gas, food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products. I’m single and when I think about all the above it’s obvious that most people HAVE to be paired up cause otherwise it’s really hard to cope financially. T try o afford your own place. To afford having a child. I’m really devastated by the fact that I can’t AFFORD to have children as a single person. Wtf?? I pay for an access to healthcare monthly but I’m still paying copay on top of this. Wtf? I…

I kept thinking today how ridiculous this whole system is. You are born to work your whole life until you are old and develop chronic diseases and can’t really enjoy life anymore. And somehow we all accepted this.

I work 40 hrs a week and I still can’t start saving money cause everything is so effing expensive. My rent, my car, insurances, phone, internet, gym membership, gas, food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products.

I’m single and when I think about all the above it’s obvious that most people HAVE to be paired up cause otherwise it’s really hard to cope financially. T try o afford your own place. To afford having a child. I’m really devastated by the fact that I can’t AFFORD to have children as a single person. Wtf??

I pay for an access to healthcare monthly but I’m still paying copay on top of this. Wtf? I wait for 20 minutes and spend 5 minutes with a doc cause it’s all about efficiency and taking as many patients per hour. I paid $3,500 for a tooth implant – how the f did we get here? Everyone is joking about this or just mad about it but we still pay and accept this as if it’s a norm. And it’s absolutely not. It’s abuse, it’s horrifying that some people don’t have access to healthcare at all. What the hell? Why do we accept being treated like slaves, like nobodies, like stupid cattle?

Taxes, and then more taxes on top of taxes, yearly car registration payments, student loans… I’m so exhausted from constantly running, pushing, overcoming, “coping.”

I’m starved for hugs. Genuine and quality friendships where we have time and energy to do things together instead of constantly feeling tired and having to put everything away till weekends and constantly rushing to “have fun”, get groceries, do laundry, run errands, clean our places, cause the weekends are so short… YEAH, they are too effing short and it’s not fair and it’s purely evil that someone decided that we, the commons, have to work 5 days a week. And weekends too – cause are you lazy or have no ambition or something?

We hate Sunday evenings cause Mondays and work. We send these memes to each other to laugh about it all but we are all traumatized by constantly coping instead of living.

We take our pills so we can cope. So we don’t fall apart and are able to function. FUNCTION, not live.

We buy lottery tickets in a hope that one day we can be free.

We think we are free cause we “own” things but many of us are still slaves to loans and payment plans.

We got sicker, we kill ourselves daily cause we can’t cope with loneliness, debt, no sense of belonging or hope for the future. And yes, we can tell our current boss to f&$k themselves and quit, but all we do is move out of one cage into a more comfy one. But the cage is still a cage.

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