
A chat with a worker

I’m almost 40 and I always want to talk to younger adults about unionizing. Not like I’m willing to help organize, but basically just raising the idea and planting the seed. Never was that good at it starting the convo though. Well today there was this college kid cutting my carpet, and we had to wait a minute for another assistant so I asked him about his job. Not about unions per se. Something basic like working conditions. He was eager to talk, and after a bit the topics of unions just came up. Anyways – I probably wouldn’t have had the convo if we didn’t have a minute of down time. From now on, it’s all about creating those moments. I’m like the goddamn Bene Gesserit sowing legends on Dune to make it that boss leaders job a little easier.

I’m almost 40 and I always want to talk to younger adults about unionizing. Not like I’m willing to help organize, but basically just raising the idea and planting the seed. Never was that good at it starting the convo though.

Well today there was this college kid cutting my carpet, and we had to wait a minute for another assistant so I asked him about his job. Not about unions per se. Something basic like working conditions.

He was eager to talk, and after a bit the topics of unions just came up.

Anyways – I probably wouldn’t have had the convo if we didn’t have a minute of down time. From now on, it’s all about creating those moments.

I’m like the goddamn Bene Gesserit sowing legends on Dune to make it that boss leaders job a little easier.

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