
A company wasted 50,000$ worth of good product.

So I don’t post here because I enjoy my work. My boss is amazing, I make okay money to support my family, and I get any time off I want or need. Something really upset me both today and yesterday. A trucking company whose name I won’t disclose at this time was hauling Kosher Grade Glycerin. Our work is tasked with cleaning out the tankers so they can be used again to haul different products or remain within cleanliness standards. The tanker came in with around a thousand gallons of extra glycerin left over from the load. One gallon of the kosher grade is being sold for around 40-50$ US. The company made us drain it all and discard it. I was furious as I don’t make over 40,000 a year and this company just pissed my salary down the drain because someone was too lazy to come retrieve it.…

So I don’t post here because I enjoy my work. My boss is amazing, I make okay money to support my family, and I get any time off I want or need. Something really upset me both today and yesterday. A trucking company whose name I won’t disclose at this time was hauling Kosher Grade Glycerin. Our work is tasked with cleaning out the tankers so they can be used again to haul different products or remain within cleanliness standards. The tanker came in with around a thousand gallons of extra glycerin left over from the load. One gallon of the kosher grade is being sold for around 40-50$ US. The company made us drain it all and discard it. I was furious as I don’t make over 40,000 a year and this company just pissed my salary down the drain because someone was too lazy to come retrieve it. This happens often at my place of work and it blows my mind.

TLDR – a company wasted 40,000-50,000$ worth of product because someone overloaded the trailer. I only make 40,000/y.

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