
A costumer died at my workplace when i was 16, and my boss forced me to finish the shift.

So when i was 16, i had a parttime job at a supermarket. It was 20 hours a week, decent pay, and Nice colleagues. Boss was really weird and had a superiority complex, but oh well, only worked with him once a week on the weekends. Anyway, this one saturday i was filling up shelves around the store, and this elderly couple, who were regulars, walks in the store, and we chat for a few minutes like we always did. Super friendly people. After the short conversation, i went about with my work, and they with their shopping. Then all of a sudden, i clearly remember hearing this loud bang. It was the elderly man, who fell on the floor, and the bang was his walking cane hitting the floor. My boss was quick react, and i came running a few seconds later. He yells at me to call 911,…

So when i was 16, i had a parttime job at a supermarket. It was 20 hours a week, decent pay, and Nice colleagues. Boss was really weird and had a superiority complex, but oh well, only worked with him once a week on the weekends.

Anyway, this one saturday i was filling up shelves around the store, and this elderly couple, who were regulars, walks in the store, and we chat for a few minutes like we always did. Super friendly people. After the short conversation, i went about with my work, and they with their shopping.

Then all of a sudden, i clearly remember hearing this loud bang. It was the elderly man, who fell on the floor, and the bang was his walking cane hitting the floor. My boss was quick react, and i came running a few seconds later. He yells at me to call 911, which i do.

While im in the phone with the 911 operator, i watch the elderly man die. It felt like the ambulance took 30 minutes to get there, but in reality it took five minutes. My boss was giving the man CPR, while i gave him (my boss) instructions.

After the ambulance got the elderly couple out of the store, and into the ambulance, my boss and me went into out breakroom to kinda talk it out. So there i sat, 16 years old, having just watched a man die, visibly shaking. My boss then procedes to tell me “Nice work out there, take a 10 min break and then get back to work”. And i did just that, because i wasnt wiser at the time.

My boss then fired me 4 months later while i was on vacation, because i missed ONE shift, that my coworker had promised to cover for me.

I havent told this to anyone before, but for some reason, it have been eating away at my thoughts for the past few months.

Fun fact: i recently Got in touch with an Old colleague i worked with at the supermarket, who told me my Old boss Got fired and prosecuted for stealing from the store.

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