
A couple of reasons for my leaning in support of welfare and likely many others out there…

I have always been a supporter of welfare because of all the welfare I see at jobs, all of the overhead employment and really all the people that should be on welfare because even their best is not enough to keep things going. Now I have nothing against the worker because the reality of it is they were eaten up by some other company, used chewed up and spit out or the genetic lottery wasn't as fair to them and maybe even just living a rough life through no choice of their own. Or maybe by choice or maybe in their own way they feel like outcasts or burdens on society not a part of it and in some cases people have to work several jobs and you only have so much energy to expend through out a day! And the way pay has been scheduled errr over the last…

I have always been a supporter of welfare because of all the welfare I see at jobs, all of the overhead employment and really all the people that should be on welfare because even their best is not enough to keep things going. Now I have nothing against the worker because the reality of it is they were eaten up by some other company, used chewed up and spit out or the genetic lottery wasn't as fair to them and maybe even just living a rough life through no choice of their own. Or maybe by choice or maybe in their own way they feel like outcasts or burdens on society not a part of it and in some cases people have to work several jobs and you only have so much energy to expend through out a day! And the way pay has been scheduled errr over the last 3 decades or so its created the planned effect one would assume.

The real welfare that bothers people is the welfare at jobs where people can connive their way into doing next to nothing and get paid like they're doing something special. It is often these connivers that steal and take positions of power and continue leading society further down the sewer. The two ways of conniving as far as I can tell is actually if it isn't some kinda love triangle thing going on then it is typically some kind of drug connection that they have with people in middle and or upper management. Its not really a jealous thing its more of an accepting the facts thing that I believe people have trouble with. EVERYBODY KNOWS (reminds me of the song my favorite version ) your pay has ZERO to do with your performance it has everything to do with resonating with the darker human natures of things.

Often they take good people and turn them out through a little innocent beer here or there little by little it becomes habitual. Then they get some kind of dirt on them and the dirt is what's for trade the real value that hooks people it would seem into the dark ways and days
That is why there is such despair I believe these days. Your brought up believing that if you follow the law if you do good things you work hard you will earn a great living and a fair amount of creature comfort. But the only way to get comfort it seems is to comfort the creatures and partake in the dark nature. It really is a beast system out there.

Finally I've seen people that live off of welfare of sorts be it unemployment, disability, or otherwise. To be honest I do not know one person who has had it good with these programs. Bill collectors calling, trying to live off beer and cigarettes to at least have some form of pleasure. That's why it always gets me when people whine about these programs. The real truth behind people that want to get rid of these programs or talk down or bad mouth the folks on em is simply because they don't yet meet the requirements but just wait when it's their turn they'll be the first ones looking for sympathy.

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