
A customer grabbed the the of my neck today and my manager’s response was “That’s retail.”

Today I was selling a pair of glasses and asked this woman for her phone number so I could look her up in our system. She gave it to me very quickly and quietly so I told her I couldn’t understand her and asked for the last few numbers several times until I got it down correctly. Apparently she didn’t like this. She decided on the last time to get right up close to my face and shout the numbers into my ear. I thought about telling her that I was autistic and how inappropriate it was but I figured it would be more ammunition for her. I said nothing and moved on. My manager was able to take on her case and help her husband get his glasses. Apparently they were old friends of the office as there was a huge amount of laughing and a small gathering of…

Today I was selling a pair of glasses and asked this woman for her phone number so I could look her up in our system. She gave it to me very quickly and quietly so I told her I couldn’t understand her and asked for the last few numbers several times until I got it down correctly. Apparently she didn’t like this. She decided on the last time to get right up close to my face and shout the numbers into my ear. I thought about telling her that I was autistic and how inappropriate it was but I figured it would be more ammunition for her. I said nothing and moved on. My manager was able to take on her case and help her husband get his glasses. Apparently they were old friends of the office as there was a huge amount of laughing and a small gathering of coworkers while they talked about vacation stories. I was very stressed out and frustrated but I just went back to doing inventory in a separate area. As they left they started to walk past me and I told them to have a good day. Mrs. boomer’s husband said “Thanks for all your help!” and I said of course. I didn’t see Mrs. Boomer when she walked up behind me (I was sitting in an office chair going over my inventory on a clipboard) and smacked the back of my head very hard before squeezing my neck in a death grip. She then gave me a quite menacing smile and walked away. I really just sat there in shock before picking up my inventory and going back to work. On my way out I told my manager what happened And her response was to make a face and say “That’s retail for you.”
She’s usually an amazing manager, but this is my first month on the job. I’ve been barely getting enough hours to survive when I was originally told this was going to be a full-time job, and she’s not happy that I’m not learning at the speed she wants me to. I’ve told her that this is because I’m not getting enough hours to retain information well. she says it’s because I’m not taking notes and in a book all the time. I’m really frustrated about what happened today and I feel like I have a right to be upset that a customer grabbed me and no action was taken.

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