
A Declaration of Recent Grievances and a call to Protest.

I thought I'd take the time to outline a list of recent offenses and advocate for us to protest. The Supreme Court's move to repeal Roe v Wade is a grave violation of basic human rights, we cannot tolerate this blatant effort on the part of conservatives to disproportionately target women and minorities, the result of this move will be to trap those in the most precarious economic and social conditions. Despite a supposed “workers shortage” wages have not risen sufficiently even though studies have shown that they could be done so, and at an increase in profit, it has been proven time and again that a fair wage increases worker productivity…that means that companies profit margins would rise and so would the United State's GDP if they paid you more, BUT THEY STILL WON'T DO IT!!!. It's not just that they refuse to be humane, they're actively malicious at…

I thought I'd take the time to outline a list of recent offenses and advocate for us to protest.

  1. The Supreme Court's move to repeal Roe v Wade is a grave violation of basic human rights, we cannot tolerate this blatant effort on the part of conservatives to disproportionately target women and minorities, the result of this move will be to trap those in the most precarious economic and social conditions.
  2. Despite a supposed “workers shortage” wages have not risen sufficiently even though studies have shown that they could be done so, and at an increase in profit, it has been proven time and again that a fair wage increases worker productivity…that means that companies profit margins would rise and so would the United State's GDP if they paid you more, BUT THEY STILL WON'T DO IT!!!. It's not just that they refuse to be humane, they're actively malicious at their own expense, legislating fair wages and worker standard at this point would benefit everyone, including the very companies which lobby against such an action.
  3. From the Don't Say Gay Bill in Florida, to legislation in Oklahoma which makes having a miscarriage a criminal offense (a law which is an attack on ALL women, even conservative ones), to legislation which makes it a crime to have Transgender kids, LGBT in general is under attack.

Whether you're a woman, a worker, a member of LGBT or just have basic human decency…I beg you, join together this once in a protest to protect our freedoms.

I advocate for peaceful, somber walks organized as sisters, advocating for our country to move towards treating eachother with a basic level of dignity and respect. Our former president has made calls to civil war, but I recommend that we rise up with love to show a better world. If you're reading this and liked it, spread it…this was a loose outline of grievances, but I'm glad to hear more in the comments. Those of us who are willing and have the time at present should help organize, if you have money…donate to fund mass strikes. I realize this post may not get traction, but I'd like to collaborate and agree upon dates for mass walkouts, marches, and protests.

If we worked together hard enough, we could make mass funds for people to take time off, create plans, even apps to orchestrate sheltering eachother and then pick dates for large demonstrations in every major city…we make a clear list of demands working from grievances which we can talk about in this thread and then shut the country down until we get them.

TLDR: These Conservatives are on their last legs, their demagogue is out of power, but the Democrats won't change what needs to be changed unless we make them. We demand access to safe abortions, fair wages and equal civil rights for LGBT people. This combined push will unify us unlike we've ever been unified.

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