Holy shit where do I begin. I can’t go into too much because my bosses might be on Reddit looking around.
I’m leaving out some details for personal safety, because I don’t want her or I getting in trouble. One of my coworkers is rather sickly who often has doctor’s appointments. Not my business, so I’m not sure if it’s a current condition, or side effects of prior illness, because she’s clearly uncomfortable when it comes up.
We had an incident with the vents failing, so the area was full of smoke. We are all exposed to the smoke, but her area was especially bad. She was back and forth a lot, complaining she didn’t feel so well. At first it was mild nausea, until she began to say she felt dizzy. After that, I’m not sure how long later, there’s a mild commotion, and apparently she’d downright collapsed from the smoke.
We’re freaked out, and several of us had to help her outside, and the owners refused to close the store in spite of the broken vents and her literally collapsing. Some of our other coworkers have advised her to press charges, but I want to give her an informed opinion. Like, if she even can, and if she has a case, I’d like to give her some pointers.
Thanks in advance.