
A Glimpse of Our Lives in Nonprofit Work

My partner and I both work for a nonprofit. His work has him in fundraising. He works almost exclusively with the major donors of this organization, which range from rich individuals to Fortune 500 companies. Most funding for nonprofit work comes in the form of various grants. However, these never have funds allocated to pay anybody to do the work the grant covers. As such, this is referred to as “restricted funding”, opposed to “unrestricted funding” which allows for everything else, from employee wages to any capacity to expand or establish new programs, cover what isn’t by the grants, etc. Let me tell you that every time an auction comes about, for every registration deadline, for literally every aspect of their involvement…these absurdly rich jerks expect special treatment even against each other that they treat everybody in my spouses department like they are their personal assistants. There’s an auction going…

My partner and I both work for a nonprofit. His work has him in fundraising. He works almost exclusively with the major donors of this organization, which range from rich individuals to Fortune 500 companies.

Most funding for nonprofit work comes in the form of various grants. However, these never have funds allocated to pay anybody to do the work the grant covers. As such, this is referred to as “restricted funding”, opposed to “unrestricted funding” which allows for everything else, from employee wages to any capacity to expand or establish new programs, cover what isn’t by the grants, etc.

Let me tell you that every time an auction comes about, for every registration deadline, for literally every aspect of their involvement…these absurdly rich jerks expect special treatment even against each other that they treat everybody in my spouses department like they are their personal assistants.

There’s an auction going currently. My partner’s boss is mad at him because he won’t break the law (and compromise the integrity of their auction) by using a donor’s on-file credit card to submit the auction bid and payment for said donor.

This website is easier to navigate than ordering a pizza. The page for each item has on it all bid information as well as buttons to “bid now” and also a higher price set as “buy now”.

This is apparently too much work for all of these people who run the nation’s biggest banks, cable providers, etc.

clicking a button to spend their own money…is too hard and they demand their hands held the whole time. These are the people running our economy.

Every single one of them expects and demands special treatment. They have no reading comprehension. They can’t follow the simplest of directions. And after all of this they have to be buttered up and lauded from start to finish for getting a tax write off for buying cultural artifacts so that we can keep being taken advantage of and worked to the bone in effort to help those same cultural communities who have been left with little options aside from selling their own culture to help their actual people.

In case you didn’t know, every nonprofit worker dreams of the day when our jobs are completely unnecessary, but that would require a functioning society…which we very much do not have.

The point being…
Rich people are stupid. Rich people are lazy. Rich people are weak. And we are so sick of this damned charade.

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