
A list of things my boss has actually said to me since I started in February.

So for some background I’m a daycare teacher, and I’m the youngest person in the daycare. We’re ran by a nursing home so they generally make the rules, but my direct boss (our director) is who I usually have to talk to about everything and she’s probably in her mid-late 60s/early 70s. -“you need to start tying your hair back, it’s not professional. You’re too pretty to look like that.” (Said about my blue hair, which I was told I could have when I started.) “You’re too pretty to have all those holes in your face. Promise me you won’t get anymore piercings.” (I have 3, my nose on each side and a single lip piercing and none of my jewelry is super over the top or noticeable.) -“You’re doing such a good job but you need to make sure you’re attached at the hip with Kid A. We know…

So for some background I’m a daycare teacher, and I’m the youngest person in the daycare. We’re ran by a nursing home so they generally make the rules, but my direct boss (our director) is who I usually have to talk to about everything and she’s probably in her mid-late 60s/early 70s.

-“you need to start tying your hair back, it’s not professional. You’re too pretty to look like that.” (Said about my blue hair, which I was told I could have when I started.)

  • “You’re too pretty to have all those holes in your face. Promise me you won’t get anymore piercings.” (I have 3, my nose on each side and a single lip piercing and none of my jewelry is super over the top or noticeable.)

-“You’re doing such a good job but you need to make sure you’re attached at the hip with Kid A. We know he didn’t hurt Kid B, but he’s the one that bites.” (Kid C had already been aggressive previously and she was informed, she just refuses to listen.)

-“well, we’re not quarantining anymore because it’s legal.” (After I had been exposed 4 times from Monday-Wednesday.)

-“you just need to be careful. You can’t get Covid because you can’t afford 5 days off. Can’t you just sleep with your parents?” (Said during a conversation shortly after the previous one when i informed her I have no choice but to quarantine in the same room as my fiancé who had Covid because I live with my siblings and said parents, one of which is severely immunocompromised.)

-“you need to pick up the pace, you spend too long in the bathroom. Tell your coworker she does too.” (Essentially one backhanded compliment after another that entire conversation. I while I was in the bathroom she rudely shook the door twice in 5-10 minutes. If she actually did her job and paid attention she’d know I have medical problems and bathroom breaks don’t always last two minutes and my coworker is in the same boat as me.)

She has also commented on my pants being inappropriate (plain black jeans because we’re required to wear scrubs and I struggle with my weight and size so those jeans are the only thing that fit and I’ve told them that) and she tried to kick a girl out after finding out she’s hard of hearing and in pain but told me I need to just ride it out and be patient with her. This woman has never been in a classroom and openly judges anyone who doesn’t fit the mold, and actually recently had a conversation with a child about her mom because of how her mom looks.

Sorry for the long rant, daycare work is absolute trash.

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