
A little rant on how useless and wasteful a corporate office is

Hi, I work in IT in a multi-billion dollar corporation in an office of about 100 people in Europe. Here's my little rant on how useless the whole thing is. First off how the whole set up dis-incentivises anyone from doing useful work – everyone in my office is salaried. They aren't payed by the hour and they aren't on commission and that means that people get paid the same amount regardless of their work. Naturally this leads to people only working the bare minimum in order to not get fired. But wait you say, don't these people want promotions? Shouldn't they work hard to get them? the answer is NO. Promotions bring diminishing returns, once you get to a certain level you end up doing more work for less reward, this is especially true in countries such as mine with heavy income tax in higher brackets. Only idiots and…


I work in IT in a multi-billion dollar corporation in an office of about 100 people in Europe. Here's my little rant on how useless the whole thing is.

First off how the whole set up dis-incentivises anyone from doing useful work – everyone in my office is salaried. They aren't payed by the hour and they aren't on commission and that means that people get paid the same amount regardless of their work. Naturally this leads to people only working the bare minimum in order to not get fired.

But wait you say, don't these people want promotions? Shouldn't they work hard to get them? the answer is NO. Promotions bring diminishing returns, once you get to a certain level you end up doing more work for less reward, this is especially true in countries such as mine with heavy income tax in higher brackets. Only idiots and ego-maniacs want to become directors and people managers, sensible people will reach a comfortable income level and then stay there avoiding responsibility as much as possible.

My work place is 10% idiot directors doing idiot director stuff, 10% entry level people busting their ass for their first promotion and 80% mid level people in their 30s, 40s just turning up and getting paid. We have a few dozen business applications which are really, really, really badly maintained but no one gives a fuck about that.

It's all just such a waste. We have 100 people just fucking about and doing very little of any value. Just imagine all of the energy and brainpower that is being wasted on that?

I am not complaining about people not wanting to work. I am very much part of that 80% of people who are just comfortable at their level, I am getting paid but have no connection to my work or colleagues.

Just seems so pointless and bland. Imagine what we could all do if we were allowed to follow our passions instead of having to do the smart thing for an income.

What a load of crap this system is!

That was my little rant and I feel better now. Thank you.

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