
a little story on collective bargaining

Hello friends, I have a small story for you all about something that happened today and a lesson from it all about employees bargaining in solidarity. So a little info, I work in pest control with about 6 others in my department, and we are about a month behind on our duties due to covid and weather. The pay is laughable and the benefits just as much. For the past few months all of us have been gathering and talking about going in all at once with demands, since the company would lose a huge profit if we all quit/got fired. Well today, it happened. Management decided to try and implement mandatory overtime and making us work Saturdays, and obviously, we all got pissed. Well, after the meeting was through we all decided to gather and bitch about it, and all of the group decided to drive back into the…

Hello friends, I have a small story for you all about something that happened today and a lesson from it all about employees bargaining in solidarity.

So a little info, I work in pest control with about 6 others in my department, and we are about a month behind on our duties due to covid and weather. The pay is laughable and the benefits just as much.
For the past few months all of us have been gathering and talking about going in all at once with demands, since the company would lose a huge profit if we all quit/got fired.
Well today, it happened.
Management decided to try and implement mandatory overtime and making us work Saturdays, and obviously, we all got pissed.
Well, after the meeting was through we all decided to gather and bitch about it, and all of the group decided to drive back into the office and call our own meeting with Management, we went in, all at once, and walked right into the office and told them we are not going to do it.
Management literally shit bricks and ushered us into a conference room to hear our complaints.
During that time, the owner was called and got on FaceTime to see what was going on and called the mandatory Saturdays off.
Sadly to say, the other gripes were not voiced but I still count it as a huge win, and im hoping to start talking with the boys about a union after today, since it really proves the power collective bargaining has.
I hope all of you liked the little story, and have a great day!

Also, non-important but management also kept asking “well whose idea was this” and EVERYONE just kept saying “it was a group thing” fucking amazing and im so proud of all of my co-workers.

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