
A little tactic for small, disorganized, family run businesses.

Hey all, After seeing a rash of “Do I have to sign this?” posts. I thought I'd share a little tactic that I came up with, and successfully used on smaller, family type businesses. These businesses are usually the sort to try to make you sign away some sort of right or protection. Usually because they don't have an awareness of the laws or are trying to get what they can wherever possible from employees since they lack proper procedures. Disclaimer: I have only attempted this once, but it succeeded. I can't necessarily say it'll work all the time. The place I used it on might have just been extra disorganised. However, even when it doesn't. It's pretty low stakes. I was starting a new job in a trades job several years ago. I was given a bundle of paperwork to sign when I started. Payroll, emergency contact info….that sorta…

Hey all,

After seeing a rash of “Do I have to sign this?” posts. I thought I'd share a little tactic that I came up with, and successfully used on smaller, family type businesses.

These businesses are usually the sort to try to make you sign away some sort of right or protection. Usually because they don't have an awareness of the laws or are trying to get what they can wherever possible from employees since they lack proper procedures.

Disclaimer: I have only attempted this once, but it succeeded. I can't necessarily say it'll work all the time. The place I used it on might have just been extra disorganised. However, even when it doesn't. It's pretty low stakes.

I was starting a new job in a trades job several years ago. I was given a bundle of paperwork to sign when I started. Payroll, emergency contact info….that sorta thing.

One form was a non-compete clause.

Essentially, they wanted me to agree that if I stopped working there, I was not allowed to work for a competitor in the same field for 1 year after leaving. Now, I think this sort of clause is total BS, because it just gives them the ability to treat you like garbage knowing that your options are to take the abuse, or to quit and work in an unrelated field at entry level pay (since you can't work at a place that would be interested in any skills you've developed).

So all I did, was filled out half the paperwork, and brought it with me on my first day. I told them “this is the paperwork I've completed so far. I'll bring the rest in tomorrow”.

The next day, I brought in the second half of the bundle.

The non-compete clause wasn't in either one.

3 years later, when I was recruited by a competitor while in school, I emailed to give my notice and say I had another offer. Now, I don't know if they would have tried to enforce the non-compete…because they didn't have one signed me. They probably assumed they lost it and let it drop from there.

Anyway, I see this working for all sorts of small, insignificant, “power play” type forms that a small disorganized employer might hit you with, including the ole “if you quit without notice, your pay will drop to minimum wage”.

Nice thing is, if they do notice it's not in either paperwork bundle, you just say “oh…sorry. I'll check at home for it” and either hope they forget, or “oh, here it is. It fell behind my desk” and you are no worse off. So very low stakes.

Anyway, just a little tidbit that served me in the past. Hope it can serve someone equally well.

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