
A place that ghosted me in 2019 just called me and asked if I wanted to work.

I applied to this place in Nov '19, and they just called me while I'm working and asked me if I was still interested in their shitty 11$ an hour job. They ghosted me around Thanksgiving that year, after coming in for an interview and being told I would get an offer. Their excuse was “systems went down” and I never heard back despite multiple attempts to reach out. I was on unemployment with covid on the horizon. I have a much higher paying job RIGHT NEXT DOOR now. It took everything in me not to just laugh and tell them to go fuck themselves. But that doesn't mean I said it nicely either! Looks like companies are starting to hurt lol

I applied to this place in Nov '19, and they just called me while I'm working and asked me if I was still interested in their shitty 11$ an hour job.

They ghosted me around Thanksgiving that year, after coming in for an interview and being told I would get an offer. Their excuse was “systems went down” and I never heard back despite multiple attempts to reach out. I was on unemployment with covid on the horizon.

I have a much higher paying job RIGHT NEXT DOOR now. It took everything in me not to just laugh and tell them to go fuck themselves.

But that doesn't mean I said it nicely either! Looks like companies are starting to hurt lol

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