
A question about wage theft

At my workplace, all my coworkers except for me show up early, without the boss knowing, to get their work done. Some as much as 45 min. They get started and punch in at the time they’re scheduled. They’re giving our employer that time for free, but out of fear that they’ll be punished for going over time. Our boss doesn’t know. It’d be better to tell them we’re short staffed. This is wage theft right? Even though they’re volunteering themselves. Should I mention to my boss we need some help or just tell them what’s going on?

At my workplace, all my coworkers except for me show up early, without the boss knowing, to get their work done. Some as much as 45 min. They get started and punch in at the time they’re scheduled. They’re giving our employer that time for free, but out of fear that they’ll be punished for going over time. Our boss doesn’t know. It’d be better to tell them we’re short staffed. This is wage theft right? Even though they’re volunteering themselves. Should I mention to my boss we need some help or just tell them what’s going on?

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