
A quick heads up so you don’t waste your time

There’s this company called “vector” and it’s a remote job where you work from home selling and I quote “the best knives in the world” this company is a one on one scheduled video calling that provides you with UNPAID training, No Benefits, and pays you only $21 PER APPOINTMENT. NOT AN HOUR. They did say that you make commission I assume depending on how many knives/ knive sets you sell. But the base pay is 21 per appointment.

There’s this company called “vector” and it’s a remote job where you work from home selling and I quote “the best knives in the world” this company is a one on one scheduled video calling that provides you with UNPAID training, No Benefits, and pays you only $21 PER APPOINTMENT. NOT AN HOUR. They did say that you make commission I assume depending on how many knives/ knive sets you sell. But the base pay is 21 per appointment.

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