
A raise that’s less than inflation? Golly, thanks! How much were our profits last year, again?

I've been waiting 3 years to get a real raise. Year 1, 2020, nobody got any raises because “well, we aren't laying anyone off.” Year 2, I got a $1/hr raise, but my role was restructured to drop some things I hated, so I took it. Business has been great, our team has been doing fantastic. This morning my boss emailed me ahead of my performance review and my raise this year is $1.30/hr. If my wage had kept pace with inflation, I'd already have gone up $5/hr from where I started. Effectively, I've had my pay cut over the last 3 years. The suggestions on the form he sent me are absurd – I'm already doing most of them, he just never shows up to anything so he doesn't see. And he wants more work from me in a few areas? More? For $1.30 an hour?????? Do you think…

I've been waiting 3 years to get a real raise. Year 1, 2020, nobody got any raises because “well, we aren't laying anyone off.” Year 2, I got a $1/hr raise, but my role was restructured to drop some things I hated, so I took it. Business has been great, our team has been doing fantastic. This morning my boss emailed me ahead of my performance review and my raise this year is $1.30/hr. If my wage had kept pace with inflation, I'd already have gone up $5/hr from where I started. Effectively, I've had my pay cut over the last 3 years. The suggestions on the form he sent me are absurd – I'm already doing most of them, he just never shows up to anything so he doesn't see. And he wants more work from me in a few areas? More? For $1.30 an hour??????

Do you think managers ever look back and think “oh, that's when I lost them”? I've stayed at this job because he's completely hands off. The lack of oversight makes it easier to work on my ADHD and it's been a good resume builder. At this point it would take another $15k a year, plus training time, to replace me. I'm done trying to improve and I'll be out in the next few months. This guy will be flashing his surprised pikachu face all over the building (it's not even fully remote……..), and then he won't change a single thing about how he acts. What a joke. He could have just sent me a card that says “I don't respect you, here's $20” and saved us both the time wasted on meeting to discuss.

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