
A rant about PTO

I have saved up some PTO at work and requested to use it today and tomorrow because I’m having 2 adult teeth pulled today and can’t imagine going into work the day of or after. Well, my store manager has been out for a couple of weeks because his son passed away, which I definitely sympathize for him. Well this weeks schedule came out and they didn’t give me the PTO but gave me the two off days. I can’t afford to be out of work for two days without being paid. I called the store and he is back now and got major attitude and tried guilt tripping me about calling because his son has passed away. I’m like ok but you need to fix it??? My other manager is on a week paid vacation, how did they give him that but not my two days of PTO for…

I have saved up some PTO at work and requested to use it today and tomorrow because I’m having 2 adult teeth pulled today and can’t imagine going into work the day of or after. Well, my store manager has been out for a couple of weeks because his son passed away, which I definitely sympathize for him. Well this weeks schedule came out and they didn’t give me the PTO but gave me the two off days. I can’t afford to be out of work for two days without being paid. I called the store and he is back now and got major attitude and tried guilt tripping me about calling because his son has passed away. I’m like ok but you need to fix it??? My other manager is on a week paid vacation, how did they give him that but not my two days of PTO for a medical reason land then get mad at me for asking about it?

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