
A recruiter contacted me about a role– there’s a twist!

It's for my current job! I haven't updated my resume with this recruiting agency since I was last looking for opportunities and clearly they didn't do their research about me before reaching out. Haha. I've been at my current company for several months. To be honest, I haven't been all that happy in my role. I feel like I was a bit misled about the position and there's zero room for growth. I feel extremely undervalued and under utilized, but I was going to try to stick it out for a year and give it my best shot. The company itself doesn't really seem to have a good sense of direction about what they want. I've asked multiple times to be given basic standards and procedures from my boss, which they've failed to do. My direct boss is director level, but doesn't have any experience managing people– and it's so…

It's for my current job!

I haven't updated my resume with this recruiting agency since I was last looking for opportunities and clearly they didn't do their research about me before reaching out. Haha.

I've been at my current company for several months. To be honest, I haven't been all that happy in my role. I feel like I was a bit misled about the position and there's zero room for growth. I feel extremely undervalued and under utilized, but I was going to try to stick it out for a year and give it my best shot.

The company itself doesn't really seem to have a good sense of direction about what they want. I've asked multiple times to be given basic standards and procedures from my boss, which they've failed to do. My direct boss is director level, but doesn't have any experience managing people– and it's so painfully obvious.

They've given me no indication there was any problem (even at my most recent TB, my boss didn't have any feedback to give), but I've personally felt off about the role for a few months.

I honestly just had to laugh when I got the email from the recruiter.

I'm hoping to get out before they have the opportunity to let me go. I will be certain to include the recruiter's email in my resignation letter… Oh and I won't be giving 2 weeks notice!

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