
A short summary of corporate abuses towards workers.

I'm certain most people readings this are well aware of the current “labor shortage”. Which according to certain old boomers I know, is caused by “lazy young people” who quote “don't want to work”. If I had a hundred dollars for every time, I was forced to hear this garbage explanation, I'd be a rich woman! The labor shortage is not because young people are lazy, no! It's because were tired, tired of being crapped on and taken advantage of by big corporations, with little to no regulation from our useless government. The average us worker is little more than a slave, whose whole LIFE is controlled from the second he or she clocks in. Workers have no rights, and get a crappy pay. Which can't even keep up with skyrocketing inflation. uniforms, mandatory drug testing, excessive overtime, low pay, and crap healthcare. These are just a few of the…

I'm certain most people readings this are well aware of the current “labor shortage”. Which according to certain old boomers I know, is caused by “lazy young people” who quote “don't want to work”. If I had a hundred dollars for every time, I was forced to hear this garbage explanation, I'd be a rich woman! The labor shortage is not because young people are lazy, no! It's because were tired, tired of being crapped on and taken advantage of by big corporations, with little to no regulation from our useless government. The average us worker is little more than a slave, whose whole LIFE is controlled from the second he or she clocks in. Workers have no rights, and get a crappy pay. Which can't even keep up with skyrocketing inflation.

uniforms, mandatory drug testing, excessive overtime, low pay, and crap healthcare. These are just a few of the unnecessary abuses' workers must tolerate on a daily basis. THIS is the true cause of the “labor shortage”, a shortage which the corrupt companies brought upon themselves by mistreating us all for so long. I hope the shortage continues, and gets even worse. I could care less if this hurts the economy, or causes the us to collapse. If that's what it takes to bring down the corporations, then so be it. We HAVE to be the generation that fights for better quality of life, or else future generations will be complete slaves to the corporations. This is the first of many posts I plan to make here on antiwork. I plan to go into greater detail about corporate abuse in future posts, and go over each and every act of abuse I can think of. This is a complex subject, which can't hope to be fully covered in just one post. Thank you for reading, and keep up the good fight for better quality of life!

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