
A start to something better hopefully

So, for the past 3 years I've been working 2 jobs, 1 main full-time day and part time overnight. Each one payed differently, $14/hr at the main one and 9.50 for my overnight job.. At first I only got the second job because I was going through depression and work is the only way I knew how to deal with my problems. Anyway last year I was basically driven out from my job and frantically looked for something else. (If yall want that story I'll make another post about what happened) Anyway, I put in my 2 weeks and ended up at in retail. I didn't realize all those double shifts and back to back near sleepless days over the years took its toll on me physically. I realized this when I had a week off before I started my new job, and all day all I did was sleep…

So, for the past 3 years I've been working 2 jobs, 1 main full-time day and part time overnight. Each one payed differently, $14/hr at the main one and 9.50 for my overnight job.. At first I only got the second job because I was going through depression and work is the only way I knew how to deal with my problems.

Anyway last year I was basically driven out from my job and frantically looked for something else. (If yall want that story I'll make another post about what happened) Anyway, I put in my 2 weeks and ended up at in retail. I didn't realize all those double shifts and back to back near sleepless days over the years took its toll on me physically. I realized this when I had a week off before I started my new job, and all day all I did was sleep unless I had to work overnight at my hotel job.

Well, I started out as part time and wasn't making as much as I was before. It payed 15/hr soni was content with it, but only got like 18-24 hrs a week. Thankfully I picked up more hours at my hotel job to try and compensate for it. It's usually slow, so i was ok with it. Anyway after about 6 months after we had our inventory audit, they made me full time since most of my department had basically left by that point.

Well for a while I liked my job, I was learning new things, picked up some new skills, and made friends with the people in other departments. I was happy for a while, but you know retail customers suck and the ones I deal with are spoiled, narcissistic, rude, lazy, and overall terrible. Not all of them are, just the ones that come to my department most of the time. But unfortunately both my jobs weren't paying the bills as easily. So I started applying for jobs again… honestly I feel like I put in over 1000 applications over 7 months and only had like 8 interviews.

Well to my dismay my body started giving out on me occasionally, not in the bad way just so yall don't worry too much. It's like, I basically started sleeping more, oversleep and started being late unintentionally, have no energy some days, and what not. Essentially I realized I was burned out and tired of all the BS I deal with daily and it was finally taking its toll. I missed some important interviews just because I'm burnt out.

Honestly I gave up for the most part and had resigned myself to being stuck in a dead end job being paid poverty wages. HOWEVER! I finally got an offer in a warehouse overnight and I took it when asked if I was interested.

Its closer to my parents so I'll be able to see them more, it pays $19/hr, is M-F with weekends off except an occasional Saturday if we're behind, i don't have to go in until 5PM, and I can get overtime and not be chastised about it!

I'm not gonna lie, it's not the what I was hoping for, but its good enough for now. I'll be able to rest more while I look for something better. I put in some applications for higher paying jobs, so hopefully I'll be able to start actually living decently like a middle class person.

Anyway, that's all. Just wanted to share a little with strangers. Guys and gals, it's rough out there for us in the younger generation, but don't give up! We can make it one day and start our own family, own a home, or whatever we set our minds to. I'm fortunate that my parents understand the situation my generation is going through and we're there to help me look for a better job. Keep striving for something better, keep your head up, and that determination in your eyes and heart. I found what drives me to be successful and so can you.

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