
A story about job interviews and response times.

So this is just going to be a quick rant because I'm really fed up with this bullshit. I am a lawyer in Germany. I have been unemployed for a few month now. That is by choice because I just hated the last two law firms so much, I had to take a break and rethink what I want to do with my career. I recently had a job interview at a firm that looked absolutely perfect on paper. In the interview the partner basically did all the taking. I could just say a few sentences in between. I don't know why but that seems to be a habit of lawyers here, since that is basically how all my interviews went. What he said was actually good and I really wanted to work there. So in the end he said “we will need about two weeks to get back to…

So this is just going to be a quick rant because I'm really fed up with this bullshit.

I am a lawyer in Germany. I have been unemployed for a few month now. That is by choice because I just hated the last two law firms so much, I had to take a break and rethink what I want to do with my career.

I recently had a job interview at a firm that looked absolutely perfect on paper. In the interview the partner basically did all the taking. I could just say a few sentences in between. I don't know why but that seems to be a habit of lawyers here, since that is basically how all my interviews went. What he said was actually good and I really wanted to work there.

So in the end he said “we will need about two weeks to get back to you. You know how it is, I have to talk it over with my partner and we're just so busy, things get swept up.” I was like “two weeks?” he said “yes. Monday 28.02., maybe on the Friday before. If it takes to long just give me a call to remind me.”

So I waited two weeks. Friday comes, no answer. Monday, no answer. I wait until Thursday and call him. He's in a meeting. I tell his secretary to give him a notice that I called to remind him. Now it's the Wednesday after that and I still haven't heard from them.

What's the moral of the story? Even if you go to university and get a “real” job, bosses still won't respect you apparently.

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