
a story of how a grown ass man throws a temper tantrum when his threats of leaving a FAANG company fail harder than “suprise mechanics”

Hi all, first Time poster, long time lurker. I'd like to share with you lovely people of the internet and NSA angets reading this (lol) of an encounter today where a grown man throws a temper tantrum when his threats of leaving a multi billion dollar company fail like a fart in a hurricane. “Thank you for calling helpdesk this is overworked and underpaid agent 6229749 how can I help you today?” Insert the most angry white bread “I'm an American” type guy “yeah I tried resetting my wife's account and now it's saying after 24 hours it's gonna take 14 days.” (Pretty standard. Here, and he's lucky it's just 14 days because I've had people call before with like two months) “Yes sir that's pretty standard” “Why does it take so long huh?” “It's an automatic process sir. It does take time for this thing, I….” “Well FIX IT!!”…

Hi all, first Time poster, long time lurker.

I'd like to share with you lovely people of the internet and NSA angets reading this (lol) of an encounter today where a grown man throws a temper tantrum when his threats of leaving a multi billion dollar company fail like a fart in a hurricane.

“Thank you for calling helpdesk this is overworked and underpaid agent 6229749 how can I help you today?”

Insert the most angry white bread “I'm an American” type guy “yeah I tried resetting my wife's account and now it's saying after 24 hours it's gonna take 14 days.”

(Pretty standard. Here, and he's lucky it's just 14 days because I've had people call before with like two months)

“Yes sir that's pretty standard”

“Why does it take so long huh?”

“It's an automatic process sir. It does take time for this thing, I….”

“Well FIX IT!!” (Note I'm a phone agent and I could FEEL this guy's juggluar pounding out)

“Sir I can't…. There's nothing I can do”

“Well get me to someone who can” oh boy, you've just activated my trap card…. See we can't do that… Noone in store or phones can speed it up. It even says that on our website

“I can't sir. Noone here can speed it up. You'll just need to wait”

Now in comes momma June playing second fiddle and poorly “well I don't have an iPhone now. My daughter has no phone and she's in school and I'm having to realy on my husband's phone”

“I am sorry but there's nothing I can do”

“Well there is” says big Paul “how about I cancel all my lines with you”

“Okay sir if you want to do that that's your pejorative”

“Wow you're a really shitty customer support agent”

“Sir I'm technical support. I get paid if you cancel or not, and while I understand your anger sir I am going to warn you about referaining from abus…..”

“You don't warn me… You don't warn me. I'll warn you”

“Okay sir I'm disconnecting the call here. Have a great day!” Click

Best part…. He called back to open a formal complaint..

The calls are recorded… You threating to leave a company that makes more Than the GDP of the United States? Oh no. Please. Do not go. Think of thee children… How Will I ever sleep… Oh right in a big bed next to my wife.

TLDR if you're gonna threaten to leave a company where I would bet my next 7 paychecks you've integrated your home and life into? Try saying this in this in your head

“I am threating to leave a company that makes more money than the three largest nations put together and I want a low level grunt to care”

Remember kids. Adderal is for treatment of ADHD and to let nursing students pass their exams.

Don't do drugs and don't threaten a person who's here to help you

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